About the Friends of the Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library of Baraboo

Who we are:
The Friends of the Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library of Baraboo was organized in 2005 for people interested in supporting the library. Friends are people who support our public library because it is a valuable asset in the development of our community - our culture, our citizenry and our youth. Our goals are volunteerism, fundraising and advocacy.
What we do:
How to get involved:
Become a Friend! Print out the membership application form (PDF) and drop it off at the library or mail it in along with your membership dues to Friends of the Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library of Baraboo, 230 Fourth Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913. If you are interested in volunteering, please check the box on the form and you will be contacted.
Donate to the Friends: Click here for online donation via PayPal. To donate by check, checks should be written to "Friends of the CSMPL" and can be delivered to the library.
Benefits of being a Friend:
- ensuring that the library has a strong support group as it seeks adequate funding to maintain high quality programs and services
- joining other concerned citizens dedicated to promoting the value of books, libraries, reading and literacy
- confirming your belief in the survival of the public library as an essential part of a community
- opportunity to receive informational emails about upcoming events
- opportunity to volunteer your time for Friends sponsored activity
How to get involved:
Become a Friend! Print out the membership application form (PDF) and drop it off at the library or mail it in along with your membership dues to Friends of the Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library of Baraboo, 230 Fourth Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913. If you are interested in volunteering, please check the box on the form and you will be contacted.
Questions about the Friends can be directed to the current board at csmplfriends [at] gmail.com. The Friends board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:45pm at the library.
Agendas and minutes for meetings are located on the City of Baraboo website, www.cityofbaraboo.com.